
Bentam represents the Finance Parties on the financing of Orsana.

Bentam advised Crédit Agricole du Languedoc as lender, and OCCTE, Smalt ENR, and Sofilaro Dette Privée as bondholders, in a EUR 20 million financing operation for Orsana, a subsidiary of JC Mont-Fort group.

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Orsana group has finalized a hybrid financing transaction, consisting of a bank loan, and a bond issuance destined to finance the development of a portfolio of projects in France, with a total planned capacity of over 900 MW.

Orsana was counselled by Jeantet (legal counsel) et Envinergy (financial counsel).

The Bentam team led by Marie-Cécile Rieu, also included Benoît Balacey (finance matters), Alexandra Guilluy, Etienne Durand and Javier Rojas-Sarabia (environment, urban planning, electricity and grid connection matters), as well as Safa Geimel and Hind Mahsas (real estate matters).